Welcome to the last and final leg of our journey. This time, we will encounter the Wise Crone.
She is all about decisions. She is stilness, she is rooted in the cycle of life, death, life. She has vision. She has LOADS of humour. She knows and personifies the interconnectedness of all things.
We will work with the following stories in order to approach her:
The Bee Drum
In this story we encounter a kingdom where old people are seen as being a burden and families are urged to exile the elderly for the sake of the young. However, when war comes to call it is the wisdom of the elders that saves the day.
The Mistress of Fire
This Selkup tale from Siberia brings us home to how valuable fire is. It is a great teaching about how important it is to guard our (inner) fires and how dire the consequences, should we fail. And we learn from a young mother, how big a sacrifice is needed to mend certain things.
The Old Woman of the world
We end this course with a tale that is very close to our hearts. Meet the old woman of the world - weaver, creatress, age-old presence, ever knowing of the way of things.