
Welcome dear soul! It is time to really get going with this journey. Thank you for joining us.

In this first section of our journey, we encounter the Maiden. Diving deep, we will gain some understanding of how different tales portray this wonderful energy. And - of yourse - we will (re)kindle that inner spark. So that the fire can actually come to life.

But first things first: WHO is the MAIDEN?

The Maiden is pure innocence. She is joyful and playful. She operates under the assumption that everything will be fine, because she has had no expereriences that would suggest otherwise.

Just as the wonderful Pipi Longstocking says:

“I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.”
(Astrid Lindgren)

The Maiden has total lack of fear; she is brimming with confidence. She is rooted in herself and she looks out into the world with feresh eyes. She represents new ways of seeing things.
She is unconventional and can be chaotic. She has not yet been made to fit in with convention.

In this chapter of our journey together we are going to cover:

Hestia's Oath
In this powerful tale, you will discover how Goddess Hestia had to make a difficult decision which affected all of humanity. You will receive her Story Medicine and you can invite her into your life as a source of strength and warmth.

You love me like dirt

What are the things we hold dear? How do you show a parent, a child, the world how much you love and care for them? This is a journey through innocence and deep truths.

Six Swans
This ancient fairy tales has many many versions from all over the world. It is a tale of loss and sacrifice, of feminine strength and wisdom. You are going to dwell with the heroine of this story. You will sit alongside her as she has to fulfill a task that seems impossible and witness her finding a way through it all.

Two little Lights
This german fairy tale will take you into the realms of Frau Holle, the great Germanic goddess. You will hear what happens, when a mortal glimpses the divine without permission and how the Great Mother heals all things, bestowing blessings in disguise.

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